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The immune system is a network of biological processes that protects an organism from diseases. It detects and responds to a wide variety of pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, as w…


What does the immune system protect against?
Disease & infection
Virus & bleeding
Disease & Pollution

There are thousands of different B cells in the blood at any time, each armed with antibodies against a particular germ.

Vitamin D plays a critical role in keeping the immune system strong so that the body can fight off bacterial and viral illnesses, such as a cold.

Top 10 Facts About the Immune System

  • We’re about 43% human if we count all the cells.
  • White blood cells constitute nearly 1% of the blood.
  • Our immunity has a memory.
  • Bacteria in our body weigh between two and five pounds.
  • Not all the bacteria that live in the body are harmful—some are actually helpful.
  • The immune system can attack itself.
  • The gut contains 80% of the immune cells and 100 trillion microorganisms.
  • Allergies come from our immune system.
  • A strong immune system won’t prevent you from contracting the coronavirus.
  • Our immune system is made, not born.


I was listening to a rerun of a local health talk show .  A women called in about her husband going through chemo and radiation treatments and asking the host how she could help her husband build up his strength and immune system .

The best way is through  Foods ,  Herbs , Essential oils .

Focus on food

“I believe in the power of immune-boosting foods,” says Dr. Darling. “Choosing whole, unprocessed foods does wonders for overall health.”

Dr. Darling recommends these immunity boosters:

  • Garlic: Allicin, a compound in garlic, is well-known for its ability to boost the immune system. The most benefit comes from eating one-half of a raw garlic clove daily. If you can’t stomach raw garlic, the next best thing is to roast it.
  • Prebiotics: Robust gut bacteria protect us against infection. Keep those bacteria healthy with prebiotics that contain fiber, specifically inulin fiber. Excellent sources of prebiotics are Jerusalem artichokes, green bananas or plantains, Jicama root and asparagus.
  • Vitamin C-rich foods: Vitamin C is known to boost immunity. One study found that older adults who ate kiwi every day for a month had a significant decrease in the severity and duration of upper respiratory infection symptoms. “People often reach for orange juice to get vitamin C, but juice has a lot of sugar,” says Dr. Darling. “It’s better to get vitamin C from oranges, broccoli, kiwi or cantaloupe.”
  • Antioxidants: Stress can lead to lowered immunity and make you more prone to illness. Colorful fruits and vegetables including berries, carrots and spinach have antioxidants that protect you against oxidative stress, which translates to a stronger immune system.

I know this , some of the best immune boosting foods are :   Garlic  , Onions , Yogurt ,  Whole milk , along with green tea and Tumeric  .  Just google ” foods to boost immune system” to get others .

Also , exercise has been shown to stimulate the immune system  .

Cutting out bad habits like smoking , too much alcohol , stress , sugar , too little or too much sleep also affects the immune system .