Still struggling to get up early before 6am See Mark 1 : 35  like all the great men in the bible did , and pray , get out , get going , it is a very severe problem ready to destroy me  . Would “greatly” appreciate anyone praying for me on this problem as well as to keep abstaining from sexual immorality , as I have for roughly the last 7yrs , and prayers for considerable discouragement and just being troubled . Thank you very , very much .

Just got some part time work landscaping but already missing days sleeping in being discouraged  .

Still walking an older guys dog snowflake , who was left in a poop and pee cellar for like 7 yrs which also means no sunlight and severe depression. Owner keeps taking him to Vets which causing arguments because Vets for the most part are a disgrace and will ruin your animal .

Still trying to get my adrenal glands back up which is a big problem created by stress , would also greatly appreciate anyone praying for me about this problem .

I greatly thank anyone for visiting this site and as I like to say may God bless you and keep you from violence

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